Source code for hysop.backend.device.kernel_autotuner

# Copyright (c) HySoP 2011-2024
# This file is part of HySoP software.
# See ""
# for further info.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import copy, os, hashlib, gzip, sys, warnings
import itertools as it

    import cPickle as pickle
    import pickle

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from hysop import __KERNEL_DEBUG__
from import time2str
from import Timer
from import check_instance
from import IO
from import previous_pow2
from import npw
from import load_cache, update_cache
from hysop.backend.device.autotunable_kernel import (
from hysop.backend.device.kernel_statistics import KernelStatistics
from hysop.backend.device.kernel_autotuner_statistics import AutotunedKernelStatistics
from hysop.backend.device.codegen import CodeGeneratorWarning

[docs] class KernelGenerationError(RuntimeError): pass
[docs] class KernelAutotuner(metaclass=ABCMeta): FULL_RESULTS_KEY = "__FULL_RESULTS__" DUMP_LAST_TUNED_KERNEL = False STORE_FULL_KERNEL_SOURCES = False @staticmethod def _hash_func(): return"sha256")
[docs] def use_tmp_cache(self): self._cache_dir = IO.get_tmp_dir("kernel_autotuner")
[docs] def use_system_cache(self): self._cache_dir = IO.cache_path() + "/kernel_autotuner"
[docs] def cache_dir(self): assert self._cache_dir is not None return self._cache_dir
[docs] def cache_file(self): cache_file = "{}/{}.pklz".format(self.cache_dir()," ", "_")) return cache_file
def _reload_cache(self, extra_kwds_hash): cache_file = self.cache_file() if self.verbose: print(self.indent(1) + f">Loading cached results from '{cache_file}'.") self.all_results = load_cache(cache_file) config_key = self.autotuner_config_key() config_key += (extra_kwds_hash,) self.config_key = config_key self.results = self.all_results.setdefault(config_key, {}) return self.results def _dump_cache(self, silent=False): cache_file = self.cache_file() if (not silent) and (self.verbose > 1): print(self.indent(1) + f">Caching results to '{cache_file}'.") update_cache(cache_file, self.config_key, self.results) def __init__(self, name, tunable_kernel, **kwds): """ Initialize a KernelAutotuner. Parameters ---------- name: str Name of this Autotuner for logging and caching purposes. tunable_kernel: TunableKernel The kernel to be tuned. """ super().__init__(**kwds) check_instance(name, str) check_instance(tunable_kernel, AutotunableKernel) = name self.tunable_kernel = tunable_kernel self.autotuner_config = tunable_kernel.autotuner_config self.build_opts = tunable_kernel.build_opts self.indent = lambda i: " " * i self.verbose = self.autotuner_config.verbose self.result_keys = ( "extra_parameters", # 00 "work_size", # 01 "work_load", # 02 "global_work_size", # 03 "local_work_size", # 04 "program", # 05 "kernel", # 06 "kernel_statistics", # 07 "kernel_src", # 08 "kernel_name", # 09 "src_hash", # 10 "extra_kwds_hash", # 10 "extra_kwds_hash_logs", # 12 ) for i, pname in enumerate(self.result_keys): setattr(self, f"{pname}_idx", i) self._cache_dir = None
[docs] def autotune( self, extra_kwds, first_working=False, force_verbose=False, force_debug=False ): """ Autotune the target tunable_kernels. Parameters ---------- first_working: Disable caching, build and execute first valid kernel at most one time. extra_kwds: dict Extra keywords used to tune the kernel. """ tkernel = self.tunable_kernel autotuner_config = self.autotuner_config extra_kwds_hash, extra_kwds_hash_logs = tkernel.hash_extra_kwds(extra_kwds) hasher = self._hash_func() hasher.update(str(extra_kwds_hash).encode("utf-8")) extra_kwds_hash = hasher.hexdigest() check_instance(extra_kwds_hash, str) check_instance(extra_kwds_hash_logs, str) file_basename = f"{}_{extra_kwds_hash[:4]}" self._print_header(extra_kwds) if autotuner_config.override_cache: if self.verbose: print( self.indent(1) + ">Using temporary cache folder, benching all new kernels." ) self.use_tmp_cache() else: self.use_system_cache() results = self._reload_cache(extra_kwds_hash) if first_working: best_candidate = None else: best_candidate = self._load_results_from_cache( tkernel, results, extra_kwds, force_verbose, force_debug, extra_kwds_hash, extra_kwds_hash_logs, file_basename, ) if best_candidate is None: best_candidate = self._autotune_kernels( tkernel, results, extra_kwds, force_verbose, force_debug, first_working, extra_kwds_hash, extra_kwds_hash_logs, file_basename, ) from_cache = False else: from_cache = True assert len(self.result_keys) == len(best_candidate) return dict(zip(self.result_keys, best_candidate)), file_basename, from_cache
def _load_results_from_cache( self, tkernel, results, extra_kwds, force_verbose, force_debug, extra_kwds_hash, extra_kwds_hash_logs, file_basename, ): if self.FULL_RESULTS_KEY not in results: if self.verbose: print( " >No best candidate was cached for this configuration, " "benching all kernels." ) return None if self.verbose: print(" >Retrieving best candidate from cache.") # deep copy best_candidate so that program and kernels # do not spill into the cache (results dictionnary is mutable) # and is used for all cache updates. Pickle cannot pickle # pyopencl kernel and program objects. best_candidate = copy.deepcopy(results[self.FULL_RESULTS_KEY]) ( extra_parameters, work_size, work_load, global_work_size, local_work_size, prg, kernel, statistics, cached_kernel_src, cached_kernel_name, cached_src_hash, cached_kernel_hash, cached_kernel_hash_logs, ) = best_candidate if cached_kernel_hash != extra_kwds_hash: msg = "\nCached kernel extra_kwds hash did not match the benched one:\n {}\n {}\n" msg += "\nThis might be due to an upgrade of the generated code or " msg += "a faulty implementation of {}.hash_extra_kwds()." msg = msg.format( cached_kernel_hash, extra_kwds_hash, type(tkernel).__name__ ) warnings.warn(msg, CodeGeneratorWarning) return None assert prg is None assert kernel is None global_work_size = npw.asintegerarray(global_work_size) local_work_size = npw.asintegerarray(local_work_size) kernel_name, kernel_src = tkernel.generate_kernel_src( global_work_size=global_work_size, local_work_size=local_work_size, extra_parameters=extra_parameters, extra_kwds=extra_kwds, tuning_mode=False, dry_run=False, ) hasher = self._hash_func() hasher.update(kernel_src.encode("utf-8")) src_hash = hasher.hexdigest() if kernel_name != cached_kernel_name: msg = "\nCached kernel name did not match the benched one:\n {}\n {}\n" msg += "\nThis might be due to an upgrade of the generated code or " msg += "a faulty implementation of {}.hash_extra_kwds()." msg = msg.format(kernel_name, cached_kernel_name, type(tkernel).__name__) warnings.warn(msg, CodeGeneratorWarning) return None if src_hash != cached_src_hash: msg = "\nCached kernel source hash did not match the benched one.\n {}\n {}" msg += "\nThis might be due to an upgrade of the generated code or " msg += "a faulty implementation of {}.hash_extra_kwds()." msg = msg.format(src_hash, cached_src_hash, type(tkernel).__name__) if self.STORE_FULL_KERNEL_SOURCES: if cached_kernel_src is not None: cached_src = "/tmp/" tuned_src = "/tmp/" with open(cached_src, "w") as f: f.write(cached_kernel_src) with open(tuned_src, "w") as f: f.write(kernel_src) msg += f"\nMatching cached kernel sources dumped to '{cached_src}'." msg += f"\nCurrently tuned kernel sources dumped to '{tuned_src}'." if cached_kernel_hash_logs is not None: cached_src = "/tmp/cached_hash_logs.txt" tuned_src = "/tmp/tuned_hash_logs.txt" with open(cached_src, "w") as f: f.write(cached_kernel_hash_logs) with open(tuned_src, "w") as f: f.write(extra_kwds_hash_logs) msg += f"\nMatching cached kernel sources dumped to '{cached_src}'." msg += f"\nCurrently tuned kernel sources dumped to '{tuned_src}'." warnings.warn(msg, CodeGeneratorWarning) return None try: (prg, kernel) = self.build_from_source( kernel_name=kernel_name, kernel_src=kernel_src, build_options=self.build_opts, force_verbose=force_verbose, force_debug=force_debug, ) except Exception as e: msg = ( "Could not use cached kernel because there was a problem during build:" ) msg += f"\n {e}" print(msg) return None try: self.check_kernel( tkernel=tkernel, kernel=kernel, global_work_size=global_work_size, local_work_size=local_work_size, ) except Exception as e: msg = "Could not use cached kernel because the following error occured during checkup:" msg += f"\n {e}" print(msg) return None best_candidate[self.program_idx] = prg best_candidate[self.kernel_idx] = kernel best_candidate[self.kernel_src_idx] = kernel_src best_candidate[self.extra_kwds_hash_logs_idx] = extra_kwds_hash_logs return tuple(best_candidate) def _autotune_kernels( self, tkernel, results, extra_kwds, force_verbose, force_debug, first_working, extra_kwds_hash, extra_kwds_hash_logs, file_basename, ): autotuner_config = self.autotuner_config if first_working: nruns = 1 else: nruns = autotuner_config.nruns max_candidates = extra_kwds.get( "max_candidates", autotuner_config.max_candidates ) bench_results = {} best_stats = None step_count = 0 self._print_step(step_count, "all", nruns) ks = AutotunedKernelStatistics(tkernel, extra_kwds) ks.max_candidates = max_candidates ks.nruns = nruns ks.file_basename = file_basename with Timer() as timer: params = tkernel.compute_parameters(extra_kwds=extra_kwds) total_count, pruned_count, kept_count, failed_count = 0, 0, 0, 0 abort = False for extra_parameters in params.iter_parameters(): extra_param_hash = tkernel.hash_extra_parameters(extra_parameters) try: (max_kernel_work_group_size, preferred_work_group_size_multiple) = ( self.collect_kernel_infos( tkernel=tkernel, extra_parameters=extra_parameters, extra_kwds=extra_kwds, ) ) pks = ks.push_parameters( extra_param_hash, extra_parameters=extra_parameters, max_kernel_work_group_size=max_kernel_work_group_size, preferred_work_group_size_multiple=preferred_work_group_size_multiple, ) except Exception as e: msg = "Autotuner could not determine kernel info for parameters {} because of the following KernelGenerationError:\n{}\n" msg = msg.format(extra_parameters, e) warnings.warn(msg, CodeGeneratorWarning) pks = ks.push_parameters( extra_param_hash, extra_parameters=extra_parameters ) continue work_bounds = tkernel.compute_work_bounds( max_kernel_work_group_size=max_kernel_work_group_size, preferred_work_group_size_multiple=preferred_work_group_size_multiple, extra_parameters=extra_parameters, extra_kwds=extra_kwds, ) work_size = work_bounds.work_size self._print_parameters(extra_parameters, work_bounds) args_mapping = tkernel.compute_args_mapping( extra_kwds=extra_kwds, extra_parameters=extra_parameters ) isolation_params = extra_kwds.get("isolation_params", None) msg = "Could not extract kernel arguments." assert "kernel_args" in extra_kwds, msg kernel_args = extra_kwds["kernel_args"] check_instance(kernel_args, dict, keys=str) args_list = self._compute_args_list( args_mapping=args_mapping, **kernel_args ) for work_load in work_bounds.iter_work_loads(): work = tkernel.compute_work_candidates( work_bounds=work_bounds, work_load=work_load, extra_parameters=extra_parameters, extra_kwds=extra_kwds, ) self._print_workload(work_load, work) for local_work_size in work.iter_local_work_size(): global_work_size = tkernel.compute_global_work_size( local_work_size=local_work_size, work=work, extra_parameters=extra_parameters, extra_kwds=extra_kwds, ) run_key = ( extra_param_hash, tuple(work_load), tuple(global_work_size), tuple(local_work_size), ) pruned = None try: kernel_name, kernel_src = tkernel.generate_kernel_src( global_work_size=global_work_size, local_work_size=local_work_size, extra_parameters=extra_parameters, extra_kwds=extra_kwds, tuning_mode=True, dry_run=False, ) hasher = self._hash_func() hasher.update(kernel_src.encode("utf-8")) src_hash = hasher.hexdigest() if run_key in results: (cache_src_hash, cache_stats) = results[run_key] if cache_src_hash != src_hash: msg = "\nCached parameters candidate did not match the " msg += "benched one.\n {}\n {}" msg += "\nThis might be due to an upgrade of the generated " msg += "code or a faulty implementation of " msg += "{}.hash_extra_kwds()." msg = msg.format( src_hash, cache_src_hash, type(tkernel).__name__ ) warnings.warn(msg, CodeGeneratorWarning) old_stats = None else: old_stats = cache_stats else: old_stats = None from_cache = old_stats is not None (prg, kernel, statistics, pruned) = ( self.bench_one_from_source( tkernel=tkernel, kernel_name=kernel_name, kernel_src=kernel_src, args_list=args_list, args_mapping=args_mapping, isolation_params=isolation_params, target_nruns=nruns, old_stats=old_stats, best_stats=best_stats, global_work_size=global_work_size, local_work_size=local_work_size, force_verbose=force_verbose, force_debug=force_debug, ) ) check_instance(statistics, KernelStatistics) assert statistics.nruns >= 1 if pruned: pruned_count += 1 else: kept_count += 1 if (best_stats is None) or ( statistics.mean < best_stats.mean ): local_best = True best_stats = statistics else: local_best = False candidate = ( extra_parameters, tuple(work_size), tuple(work_load), tuple(global_work_size), tuple(local_work_size), prg, kernel, statistics, kernel_src, kernel_name, src_hash, extra_kwds_hash, extra_kwds_hash_logs, ) results[run_key] = (src_hash, statistics) bench_results[run_key] = candidate pks.push_run_statistics( run_key, work_size=work_size, work_load=work_load, local_work_size=local_work_size, global_work_size=global_work_size, statistics=statistics, pruned=pruned, local_best=local_best, error=None, ) except KernelGenerationError as e: if __KERNEL_DEBUG__: sys.stderr.write(str(e) + "\n") failed_count += 1 statistics = None from_cache = False pks.push_run_statistics( run_key, work_size=work_size, work_load=work_load, local_work_size=local_work_size, global_work_size=global_work_size, statistics=None, pruned=None, local_best=None, error=e, ) total_count += 1 abort = (max_candidates is not None) and ( (pruned_count + kept_count) >= max_candidates ) abort |= first_working and kept_count == 1 self._print_full_candidate( local_work_size, global_work_size, statistics, pruned, from_cache, ) self._print_candidate( (statistics is None), from_cache, total_count, abort ) if abort: break if abort: break self._dump_cache(silent=True) if abort: break if abort: if first_working: msg = ">Achieved first running kernel." else: msg = ">Achieved maximum number of configured candidates: {}" msg = msg.format(max_candidates) if self.verbose > 1: print(msg) assert total_count == (kept_count + pruned_count + failed_count) if kept_count == 0: msg = "No bench result were generated out of {} runs " msg += "(kept_count={}, pruned_count={}, failed_count={}), aborting." msg = msg.format(total_count, kept_count, pruned_count, failed_count) raise RuntimeError(msg) keep_only = max(previous_pow2(kept_count), 1) self._print_first_step_results( total_count, kept_count, pruned_count, failed_count, keep_only ) candidates = tuple( sorted( bench_results.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][self.kernel_statistics_idx], ) ) candidates = candidates[:keep_only] while len(candidates) > 1: step_count += 1 nruns *= 2 self._print_step(step_count, f"{len(candidates)} BEST", nruns) for run_key, run_params in candidates: ( extra_params, work_size, work_load, global_work_size, local_work_size, _, kernel, old_stats, _, _, _, _, _, ) = run_params self.bench_one_from_binary( kernel=kernel, target_nruns=nruns, old_stats=old_stats, best_stats=best_stats, global_work_size=global_work_size, local_work_size=local_work_size, ) candidates = tuple( sorted(candidates, key=lambda x: x[1][self.kernel_statistics_idx]) ) self._print_step_results(candidates, self.kernel_statistics_idx) candidates = candidates[: max(previous_pow2(len(candidates)), 1)] ks.push_step(step_count, candidates) best_candidate = candidates[0][1] self._print_footer(ellapsed=timer.interval, best_candidate=best_candidate) if autotuner_config.filter_statistics(file_basename): ks.exec_time = timer.interval ks.best_candidate = best_candidate ks.kernel_name = ks.kept_count = kept_count ks.pruned_count = pruned_count ks.failed_count = failed_count ks.total_count = total_count ks.extra_kwds_hash = best_candidate[self.extra_kwds_hash_idx] if autotuner_config.plot_statistics and not first_working: ks.plot() # Regenerate final kernel best_candidate = list(best_candidate) self._build_final_kernel(tkernel, best_candidate, extra_kwds) returned_best_candidate = tuple(best_candidate) # Export best candidate results if not self.STORE_FULL_KERNEL_SOURCES: best_candidate[self.kernel_src_idx] = None best_candidate[self.extra_kwds_hash_logs_idx] = None best_candidate[self.program_idx] = None best_candidate[self.kernel_idx] = None results[self.FULL_RESULTS_KEY] = best_candidate self._dump_cache() return returned_best_candidate def _build_final_kernel(self, tkernel, best_candidate, extra_kwds): ( extra_parameters, work_size, work_load, global_work_size, local_work_size, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, ) = best_candidate global_work_size = npw.asintegerarray(global_work_size) local_work_size = npw.asintegerarray(local_work_size) kernel_name, kernel_src = tkernel.generate_kernel_src( global_work_size=global_work_size, local_work_size=local_work_size, extra_parameters=extra_parameters, extra_kwds=extra_kwds, tuning_mode=False, dry_run=False, ) hasher = self._hash_func() hasher.update(kernel_src.encode("utf-8")) src_hash = hasher.hexdigest() (prg, kernel) = self.build_from_source( kernel_name=kernel_name, kernel_src=kernel_src, build_options=self.build_opts, force_verbose=None, force_debug=None, ) self.check_kernel( tkernel=tkernel, kernel=kernel, global_work_size=global_work_size, local_work_size=local_work_size, ) best_candidate[self.program_idx] = prg best_candidate[self.kernel_idx] = kernel best_candidate[self.kernel_src_idx] = kernel_src best_candidate[self.src_hash_idx] = src_hash return best_candidate def _compute_args_list(self, args_mapping, **kernel_args): """ Compute argument list from input keywords and args_mapping. """ A = set(args_mapping.keys()) B = set(kernel_args.keys()) if A != B: if A - B: msg = "Missing kernel arguments {}.".format( ", ".join(f"'{argname}'" for argname in (A - B)) ) elif B - A: msg = "Unknown kernel arguments {}.".format( ", ".join(f"'{argname}'" for argname in (B - A)) ) else: msg = "The impossible happened." raise ValueError(msg) args_list = [ None, ] * len(args_mapping) arg_indices = {ka[0] for ka in args_mapping.values()} if arg_indices != set(range(len(arg_indices))): msg = "Illformed argument position mapping:\n" msg += "\n".join( f" >argument {argpos}: {argname}" for (argname, argpos) in zip(args_mapping.keys(), arg_indices) ) msg += "\nExpected contiguous integer argument positions." raise ValueError(msg) for arg_name, arg_value in kernel_args.items(): if arg_name not in args_mapping: msg = "Unknown argument {}, valid ones are {}." msg = msg.format(arg_name, ", ".join(args_mapping.keys())) raise ValueError(msg) (arg_index, arg_types) = args_mapping[arg_name] if isinstance(arg_types, npw.dtype): msg = None if not isinstance(arg_value, npw.ndarray): msg = "Argument {} at position {} should be a np.ndarray, got a {}." msg = msg.format(arg_name, arg_index, type(arg_value)) elif not arg_value.dtype == arg_types: msg = "Argument {} at position {} is a np.ndarray of wrong dtype, " msg += "got a {}, expected a {}." msg = msg.format(arg_name, arg_index, type(arg_value), arg_types) elif not arg_value.size == 1: msg = "Argument {} at position {} is not a scalar np.ndarray, " msg += "shape={}, size={}." msg = msg.format( arg_name, arg_index, arg_value.shape, arg_value.size ) if msg is not None: raise ValueError(msg) elif not isinstance(arg_value, arg_types): msg = "Argument {} at position {} should be of type {} but got a {}." msg = msg.format(arg_name, arg_index, arg_types, type(arg_value)) raise TypeError(msg) args_list[arg_index] = arg_value args_list = tuple(args_list) return tuple(args_list)
[docs] @abstractmethod def autotuner_config_key(self): """Caching key for autotuner configurations.""" pass
[docs] def bench_one_from_source( self, tkernel, kernel_name, kernel_src, args_list, args_mapping, isolation_params, global_work_size, local_work_size, target_nruns, old_stats, best_stats, force_verbose, force_debug, ): """ Compile and bench one kernel by executing it nruns times. Return the compiled kernel, KernelStatistics and whether it was pruned or not. """ (prg, kernel) = self.build_from_source( kernel_name=kernel_name, kernel_src=kernel_src, build_options=self.build_opts, force_verbose=force_verbose, force_debug=force_debug, ) self.check_kernel_args(kernel, args_list) for i, arg in enumerate(args_list): try: kernel.set_arg(i, arg) except: msg = "Failed to set opencl kernel argument {} which is of type {}.\n" msg = msg.format(i, type(arg)) print(msg) raise if self.DUMP_LAST_TUNED_KERNEL: name = "currently_tuned" kernel_src_file = tkernel.generate_source_file(name, kernel_src, force=True) kernel_sim_file = tkernel.generate_oclgrind_isolation_file( kernel=kernel, kernel_name=name, kernel_source=kernel_src_file, global_work_size=global_work_size, local_work_size=local_work_size, args_list=args_list, args_mapping=args_mapping, isolation_params=isolation_params, force=True, ) print(f"Current tuned kernel has been dumped:") print(f" {kernel_sim_file}") bench_results = self.bench_one_from_binary( kernel=kernel, target_nruns=target_nruns, old_stats=old_stats, best_stats=best_stats, global_work_size=global_work_size, local_work_size=local_work_size, ) return (prg, kernel) + bench_results
[docs] @abstractmethod def build_from_source( self, kernel_name, kernel_src, build_options, force_verbose, force_debug ): """ Compile one kernel from source. Return the compiled program and the kernel. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def bench_one_from_binary( self, kernel, global_work_size, local_work_size, target_nruns, old_stats, best_stats, force_verbose, force_debug, ): """ Compile and bench one kernel by executing it nruns times. Return the compiled kernel, KernelStatistics and whether it was pruned or not. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def collect_kernel_infos(self, tkernel, extra_parameters, extra_kwds): """ Collect kernel infos before computing workload and work group size. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def check_kernel(self, tkernel, kernel, global_work_size, local_work_size): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def check_kernel_args(self, kernel, args_list): pass
def _print_separator(self): print("_" * 80) def _print_header(self, extra_kwds): verbose = self.verbose if verbose: self._print_separator() print(f"\n|| KERNEL {} AUTOTUNING") print( "\n *config: {} (nruns={}, prune={}, max_candidates={})".format( self.autotuner_config.autotuner_flag, self.autotuner_config.nruns, self.autotuner_config.prune_threshold, extra_kwds.get( "max_candidates", self.autotuner_config.max_candidates ), ) ) print(" *build_opts: {}".format(self.tunable_kernel.build_opts or "None")) return verbose def _print_parameters(self, extra_parameters, work_bounds): if self.verbose > 2: self._print_separator() msg = self.indent(1) + "::Current tuning parameters:: {}" msg = msg.format(extra_parameters) msg0 = "\n" + self.indent(1) msg0 += " work_size={}, min_work_load={}, max_work_load={}" msg += msg0.format( work_bounds.work_size, work_bounds.min_work_load, work_bounds.max_work_load, ) print(msg) def _print_workload(self, work_load, work): if self.verbose > 2: msg = ( "\n" + self.indent(2) + "::Current workload {}, global_work_size set to {}::" ) msg = msg.format(work_load, work.global_work_size) print(msg) if self.verbose < 4: self._print_separator() def _print_first_step_results( self, total_count, kept_count, pruned_count, failed_count, keep_only ): verbose = self.verbose if verbose > 1: if verbose >= 4: self._print_separator() else: print("\n") print(self.indent(1) + " All candidate kernels have been run:") msg = ( self.indent(2) + "Collected {} bench results (kept={}, pruned={}, failed={})." ) msg = msg.format(total_count, kept_count, pruned_count, failed_count) print(msg) msg = ( self.indent(2) + "Building binary tree optimizer out of {} best candidates." ) msg = msg.format(keep_only) print(msg) def _print_step(self, step, candidates, nruns): if self.verbose > 1: msg = "\n AUTOTUNING STEP {} :: running {} candidates over {} runs" msg = msg.format(step, candidates, nruns) self._print_separator() print(msg.upper()) def _print_candidate(self, failed, from_cache, total_count, abort): if self.verbose == 2: if total_count == 1: sys.stdout.write(self.indent(2)) if failed: sys.stdout.write("x") elif from_cache: sys.stdout.write(":") else: sys.stdout.write(".") if abort: sys.stdout.write("|") if total_count % 40 == 0: sys.stdout.write("\n" + self.indent(2)) elif total_count % 5 == 0: sys.stdout.write(" ") sys.stdout.flush() def _print_full_candidate( self, local_work_size, global_work_size, statistics, is_pruned, from_cache ): if self.verbose > 3: failed = statistics is None if failed: msg = "No statistics [KERNEL ERROR]" elif is_pruned: msg = f"{statistics} [PRUNED]" else: msg = f"{statistics} [KEPT]" if from_cache: indicator = ":" else: indicator = "|" config = ( self.indent(3) + f"{indicator} L={local_work_size:^10}, G={global_work_size:^10}: {msg}" ) print(config) def _print_step_results(self, sorted_candidates, kernel_statistics_idx): if self.verbose == 2: best = sorted_candidates[0][1] worst = sorted_candidates[-1][1] print(self.indent(2) + f"worst candidate: {worst[kernel_statistics_idx]}") print(self.indent(2) + f"best candidate: {best[kernel_statistics_idx]}") def _print_footer(self, ellapsed, best_candidate): if self.verbose: ( best_extra_params, best_work_size, best_work_load, best_global_size, best_local_size, _, _, best_stats, _, _, _, _, _, ) = best_candidate if self.verbose > 1: if ellapsed is not None: self._print_separator() msg = "\n Autotuning successfully run in {}." msg = msg.format(time2str(ellapsed)) print(msg) self._print_separator() id1 = self.indent(1) print(f"\n|> BEST OVERALL RESULT for kernel {}:") print(id1 + " => Extra params:") for ep, val in best_extra_params.items(): print(self.indent(2) + f"*{ep}: {val}") msg = id1 + " => WL={} G={} L={}" msg = msg.format(best_work_load, best_global_size, best_local_size) print(msg) print(id1 + f" => Execution statistics: {best_stats}") self._print_separator() print()